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[Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun (Regulations of the Olense Kartoenale Belgium 2023) |
[Gratis] Lomba Menggambar
Kartun (Regulations of the Olense Kartoenale Belgium
Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb
“Salam Sehat, Bahagia and Sukses Selalu”
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pejuang prestasi dimanapun berada. Tentu semangat prestasi dan kesehatan masih
terjaga bukan?
Kali ini lomba yang akan mimin infokan adalah [Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun (Regulations of the Olense
Kartoenale Belgium 2023)
Dan ini Khusus Untuk Kalian nie gaezz:
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Adapun [Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun (Regulations
of the Olense Kartoenale Belgium 2023) ini
The main theme is ‘Litter’. This year Amnesty International offers
the best cartoon with the theme ‘Everyone has the right to a suitable home‘.
Ketentuan Peserta:
All contestants will be admitted
with no distinction made regarding nationality or age. There are two
• Youth category up to 15 years
• Adult category: 16 years and
Both professional and
non-professional cartoonists are allowed to participate in this contest.
Ketentuan Karya:
Karya orisinil peserta sesuai tema, dan tidak terkait dengan pihak
manapun, bernilai positif dan tidak mengandung unsur SARA, Pornografi,
Kekerasan berlebih dan tidak melanggar hukum.
• Contributions have to be digital works. They shouldn’t contain
an explanation of the drawing.
• The digital works have to be sent in JPEG format with a minimum
of resolution of 300 dpi (2480 x 3543 pixels).
• Dimensions including any passe-partout 21 x 30 cm (A4).
• Number of entries per contestant: maximum five for each theme.
• You have to record your contact details through www.olensekartoenale.be.
• You can sign up your participation from 1 July 2023.
• The originals of the rewarded cartoons, your curriculum vitae
and a photograph will be asked and must be sent to Community Olen, Dorp 1, 2250
Olen, Belgium within 2 days after the request of the organization.
Property rights
Prize-winning works will become the property of the organizer or
theme sponsor. All works selected may be used by the organizers to promote the
contest and the village of Olen.
Adapun detail ketentuan karya silakan kunjungi tautan di bawah
sumber utama di akhir artikel ini.
11 September 2023.
The deadline is 11 September 2023 at 12.00 AM midnight. The entry
form you can find on www.olensekartoenale.be where you also can upload your
works. Do not sent your works to kartoenale@olen.be.
Hadiah dan Penghargaan:
Adapun Hadiah dan penghargaan [Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun (Regulations
of the Olense Kartoenale Belgium 2023) ini adalah:
For the
adult category:
prize: 1500 euro
prize: 700 euro
prize: 400 euro
prize: 300 euro
Prize of
the city of Bialogard (only for Polish participants): 200 euro
prize Amnesty International: 350 euro
For the
youth category:
Prize for
best international work: 250 euro
Prize for best Belgian work: 250 euro
So, segera
persiapkan karya terbaikmu yakkk!
“Teruslah Berkreasi, Berinovasi dan Berprestasi untuk
Menginspirasi.” --- Mimin
Laman www.lombainternasional.info sendiri bukanlah penyelenggara
dalam kegiatan ini, namun hanya bersifat menginformasikan event. Untuk
mendapatkan informasi pelaksanaan kegiatan ini silakan pelajari dari sumber dan
web resmi penyelenggara.
Untuk registrasi dan info lebih lengkapnya silakan kunjungi link berikut:
Yuppp, semangat berprestasi ya, semoga keberuntungan ada pada kita
Demikian [Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun (Regulations of the Olense Kartoenale Belgium 2023) mimin sampaikan semoga bermanfaat.
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lombamenggambar, lombamenggambargratis, lombamanga, lombakomik,
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Follow juga ig @lombainternasional.info untuk selalu mendapatkan Update info lomba Gratis Bergengsi
dan Quotes Motivasi Prestasi setiap hari.
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