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[Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun (7th International Cartoon Competition “BEAVERS LAUGH” 2023) |
[Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun
(7th International Cartoon
Competition “BEAVERS LAUGH” 2023)
Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb
“Salam Sehat, Bahagia and Sukses Selalu”
Semoga kesuksesan dan kesehatan selalu ada pada diri kita para
pejuang prestasi dimanapun berada. Tentu semangat prestasi dan kesehatan masih
terjaga bukan?
Kali ini lomba yang akan mimin infokan adalah [Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun (7th International Cartoon
Competition “BEAVERS LAUGH” 2023)
Dan ini Khusus Untuk Kalian nie gaezz:
[Update] Info Lomba Nasional-Internasional 2023/2024
Follow juga ig @lombainternasional.info untuk
selalu mendapatkan Update info lomba Gratis Bergengsi dan Quotes Motivasi
Prestasi setiap hari.
Adapun [Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun (7th
International Cartoon Competition “BEAVERS LAUGH” 2023) ini adalah:
Ketentuan Peserta:
The competition is open to every
onefrom all over the world.
Ketentuan Karya:
Karya orisinil peserta sesuai tema, dan tidak terkait dengan pihak
manapun, bernilai positif dan tidak mengandung unsur SARA, Pornografi,
Kekerasan berlebih dan tidak melanggar hukum.
1 April to 1 August 2023
The 7th “BEAVERS LAUGH” Bobritsa Village Cartoon Competition (the
Ukraine) is open to all graphic artists, who can enter works that have not been
awarded until the closing date of the entries, in the cartoon, caricature and
comics modalities (the comic strip should have only one page).
– The official opening of the Exhibition will take place on 9
September 2023, with the announcement of the winners of the contest.
– Each artist can enroll with the maximum of five (5) UNPUBLISHED
works in the preferable format 30×40 cm (А4 minimum) and using any technique.
On the back of each drawing, or in registration you must provide the author’s
full name, address (with ZIP code), email, phone number.
– The artists can participate by sending their work:
(a) by email: beaverslaugh@yahoo.com (with maximum size of 10
megabytes of each artwork sent separately or 10 megabytes for all artworks).
(b) by post or courier mail:
Bobritsa Cartoon Competition
27 Naberezhaya Street,
Bobritsa, Buchansky District,
Kiev Region, 08142,
The main theme of the 7th Bobritsa Cartoon
Competition is GOOD MORNING!
– Although the name of the contest is BEAVERS LAUGH (in Ukrainian
language the name of the village Bobritsa originates from “beaver”), this does
NOT mean that the artworks should be only about beavers.
First of all, they should be original, smart and funny, so,
please, do not restrict yourself to beavers as heroes!
– Meantime, apart to the main theme of the contest we have our
SPECIAL BEAVER AWARD for all «beavers» artworks as well!
First prize for the main theme: EURO 500 (five hundred).
Second prize for the main theme: EUR) 300 (three hundred).
Third prize for the main theme: EURO 200 (two hundred).
Appreciation awards (2): EURO 100 (one hundred) each.
Special BEAVER AWARD (awarded for artworks where BEAVERS are the
heroes regardless if they «fit» the main theme): EURO 300 (three hundred).
– Before the official announcement of the winners by the Jury, the
organizers reserve the right to publish electronic copies of the preliminary
selected artworks (from which the Jury will make its final selection) in the
internet with the purpose to determine with the help of the public if any of
submitted artwork repeats or copies previously published cartoons.
– By sending his / her artwork to the contest the author gives to
the organizers his / her permission to display publicly the artwork during the
award ceremony as well as to publish it electronically on the official sites /
pages of the contest on the internet or in other electronic and print media in
connection with the promotion of the contest, advertisement and news / reports
publishing. If you are not agreeing with this you should not send your artwork
to us.
– The awarded artworks will be considered acquisitive and will
become part the property of the organizers, and all winning artists assign
their copyright and property rights worldwide to the organizers from the date
when their artworks were submitted.
– The works will not be returned.
– May not participate in this competition officials of Bobritsa
village community, the Jury, their relatives and anyone involved in the organization.
– The award cash amounts are payable only upon the receipt of the
original artworks by the organizers of the Competition to the personal bank
accounts (IBAN or another appropriate bank account number, full name of the
bank, bank code (BIC / SWIFT), correspondent bank’s name and account (for
non-EU banks)) of the winners provided in writing (email) along with copies of
their passports / IDs (if required by our bank).
– The organizers have full discretion to decline any submission
before the Jury’s consideration and to revoke / cancel any prize awarded by the
Jury in case of confirmed facts of plagiarism, repetition of the plot etc.
– By sending your artwork to the organizers you (participant)
confirm his/her full agreement to all terms above.
For any information, please, contact:
beaverslaugh@yahoo.com or send a message
Adapun detail ketentuan karya silakan kunjungi tautan di bawah
sumber utama di akhir artikel ini.
1 Agustus 2023.
So, segera
persiapkan karya terbaikmu yakkk!
“Teruslah Berkreasi, Berinovasi dan Berprestasi untuk
Menginspirasi.” --- Mimin
Laman www.lombainternasional.info sendiri bukanlah penyelenggara
dalam kegiatan ini, namun hanya bersifat menginformasikan event. Untuk
mendapatkan informasi pelaksanaan kegiatan ini silakan pelajari dari sumber dan
web resmi penyelenggara.
Untuk registrasi dan info lebih lengkapnya silakan kunjungi link
Yuppp, semangat berprestasi ya, semoga keberuntungan ada pada kita
Demikian [Gratis] Lomba Menggambar Kartun (7th International Cartoon Competition “BEAVERS LAUGH” 2023) mimin sampaikan semoga bermanfaat.
menggambar, lombamenggambarkartun, cartoonfestival,
lombamenggambar, lombamenggambargratis, lombamanga, lombakomik,
lombamenggambaranime, lombaanime, lombamenggambarmanga,
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Follow juga ig @lombainternasional.info untuk selalu mendapatkan Update info lomba Gratis Bergengsi
dan Quotes Motivasi Prestasi setiap hari.
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