Tuesday, September 6, 2022

[Gratis] Lomba Menulis Buku Bergambar: International Illustrated Picture Book Contest (Apila’s Fist Printing Award 2023

[Gratis] Lomba Menulis Buku Bergambar: International Illustrated Picture Book Contest (Apila’s Fist Printing Award 2023

[Gratis] Lomba Menulis Buku Bergambar: International Illustrated Picture Book Contest (Apila’s Fist Printing Award 2023

Assalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.

“Jangan Lupa Bahagia, Stay Strong and Be Healthy”

Semoga kesuksesan dan kesehatan selalu ada pada diri kita para pejuang prestasi dimanapun berada. Tentu semangat prestasi dan kesehatan masih terjaga bukan?

Nah untuk itu harus selalu semangat berkarya yak!

Walaupun masih harus tetap jaga Prokes, namun prestasi harus tetap jalan yak! Hehe seperti biasanya kali ini Mimin akan menginfokan info lomba nie. Kini saatnya giliran buat kalian yang jago menggambar dan menulis buku ilustrasi, nie gaezz. 


Tepat sekali nie mumpung masih banyak waktu luang juga, kalian bisa sambil mencari ide atau pengalaman yang akan kalian rencanakan untuk diikutkan dalam lomba kali ini. Bertepatan sekali karena lomba yang mimin infokan kali ini adalah [Gratis] Lomba Menulis Buku Bergambar: International Illustrated Picture Book Contest (Apila’s Fist Printing Award 2023.


Dan ini Khusus Untuk Kalian nie gaezz:

[Update] Info Lomba Nasional-Internasional 2022/2023


Follow juga ig @lombainternasional.info untuk selalu mendapatkan Update info lomba Gratis Bergengsi dan Quotes Motivasi Prestasi setiap hari.


Sudah gak sabar bukan?

Nah, simak aja petunjuknya berikut ini:




Who may enter:

The competition is open to illustrators worldwide who have not yet published a book with ISBN.



Apila Ediciones in collaboration with the High School of Design of Aragón and with the support of its Town Hall, announces “Apila’s 2023 First Printing Award” (Pemio Apila primera Impresión 2023). This is an international illustrated picture book contest to promote creativity and enrich children’s literature with an educational scope.

1ª There are no restrictions on the nationality of the participants nor the number of projects presented. To qualify, It is imperative that the illustrator has never had titles published before (with ISBN) and, that, until the end of the term of admission of the projects - at the exception of illustrators having self-published (by themselves with ISBN, not through an ediorial). In case the Work is shared between an author and illustrator, the condition to not having been published before only applies to the illustrator. Additionally, the Works presented should be free of any obligations with other parties.

2ª The presentations have to be written in Spanish or English and could be either original tales or adaptations from tales with free copyright.

3ª The award will consist of a professional contract with Apila Editions for the publication of the selected work in which the payment to the authors will be of € 4.000 (equivalent of 10% of author royalties on the value of the first print run)

If the rights of the project are shared between the writer and the illustrator, the percentage of 10% will be shared between both according to the previous agreement that both have agreed.

4ª The award will be granted to the overall project.

5ª Projects can be in any format and may not exceed 40 pages (20 double pages) with legal pages and end papers included, covers aside.

6ª To avoid shipping costs, contestants must submit the work electronically and the following information to apilaediciones@gmail.com. The heading should consist of , “LAST NAME_FIRST NAME_ PRIMERA_IMPRESION”:

A. A file in PDF form (max 10M) of the finished book, or in its absence thereof, the storyboard of the book with a minimum of five finished double pages and the rest sketched. This files must be titled with the last name followed by the first name and the word “LAST NAME_FIRST NAME _BOOK”.

B. A file in WORD indicating, E mail address, nationality, postal adress, telephone number and website is optional. Also, it would be recomended to include any social media sites the illustrator might have (Facebook, Instagram, blog or any other profile.) The file must be named indicating the last name and name of the illustrator ended with the word “LAST NAME_FIRST NAME_ DATA”.

7ª A jury will be appointed by the Aragón High School of Design which will consist of a member from Apila Editions, a Professor from The School of Artistic Design and Colour Speciality and Fernando Garcia Grúas (member of the Aragonese Council of artistic teaching). The jury will resolve any possible issues which may not have been covered by the points mentioned above. Please note that works not following the rules mentioned above will not be considered and the Jury has the power to invalidate the award if necessary. The deadline for the submission of applications is February 16th, 2023 (inclusive).

8ª The final judgement andpresentation of the award will take place in March 2023. The result will appear on www.apilaediciones.com,

www.facebook.com/apila.ediciones, and also on Instagram: @apila_ediciones. The awarded contestant must agree to deliver the edition files before September 1, 2023. Apila Editions will publish the awarded work within a year. It will be clearly mentioned, on the cover of the book that the published work has been awarded “Premio Apila Primera Impresion”.

9ª Apila Editions reserves the right to exhibit a selection of the presented projects within the High

School of Desing program of exhibitions.

10ª To participate in this context implies the understanding and full acceptance of the above mentioned rules

The prizes:

The award will consist of a professional contract with Apila Editions for the publication of the selected work in which the payment to the authors will be of € 4.000 (equivalent of 10% of author royalties on the value of the first print run)

If the rights of the project are shared between the writer and the illustrator, the percentage of 10%. Will be shared between both according to the previous agreement that both have agreed.

The award will be granted to the overall project.



6ª To avoid shipping costs, contestants must submit the work electronically and the following information to apilaediciones@gmail.com. The heading should consist of , “LAST NAME_FIRST NAME_ PRIMERA_IMPRESION”:

A. A file in PDF form (max 10M) of the finished book, or in its absence thereof, the storyboard of the book with a minimum of five finished double pages and the rest sketched. This files must be titled with the last name followed by the first name and the word “LAST NAME_FIRST NAME _BOOK”.

B. A file in WORD indicating, E mail address, nationality, postal adress, telephone number and website is optional. Also, it would be recomended to include any social media sites the illustrator might have (Facebook, Instagram, blog or any other profile.) The file must be named indicating the last name and name of the illustrator ended with the word “LAST NAME_FIRST NAME_ DATA”.



16 Februari 2023


So, segera persiapkan karya terbaikmu yakkk!


“Teruslah Berkreasi, Berinovasi dan Berprestasi untuk Menginspirasi.” --- Mimin



Laman www.lombainternasional.info sendiri bukanlah penyelenggara dalam kegiatan ini, namun hanya bersifat menginformasikan event. Untuk mendapatkan informasi pelaksanaan kegiatan ini silakan pelajari dari sumber dan web resmi penyelenggara.


Untuk registrasi dan info lebih lengkapnya silakan kunjungi link berikut:


 Yuppp, semangat berprestasi ya, semoga keberuntungan ada pada kita semua.


Hehe yang wajib sebagai penutup Mimin, ingat selalu pantau terus web  www.lombainternasional.info dan ig @lombainternasional.info ya gaezz untuk selalu mendapatkan tips, motivasi dan up date informasi seputar beasiswa, kompetisi lokal - internasional terkini serta motivasi prestasi. Tentu jangan lupa pula share keteman-teman kalian yak, agar mereka juga lebih semangat lagi untuk selalu berkolaborasi dan berkompetisi demi kemajuan negeri kita tercinta Indonesia. Ok terimakasih atas semua dukungannya, salam sehat dan sukses selalu untuk kita semua!


Demikian [Gratis] Lomba Menulis Buku Bergambar: International Illustrated Picture Book Contest (Apila’s Fist Printing Award 2023. kami sampaikan semoga bermanfaat.


Tag: Menulis, Lombamenulis, lombamenulisbuku, lombamenulisbukubergambar, menggambar, lombamenggambarkartun, cartoonfestival, lombamenggambarilustrasi,


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Follow juga ig @lombainternasional.info untuk selalu mendapatkan Update info lomba Gratis Bergengsi dan Quotes Motivasi Prestasi setiap hari.

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